
Bouncing spell ranged touch
Bouncing spell ranged touch

bouncing spell ranged touch

You can cast your spells without making any sound. You can sicken creatures with your spells. You can cast spells in a fraction of the normal time. Your studies have helped you develop methods to overcome spell resistance.

bouncing spell ranged touch

You can modify a spell to become more tenacious when its targets resist its effect. Your spells have the maximum possible effect. You spell clings to existence, slowly fading from the world. You can cast spells as if they were a higher level. When you cast a spell that affects more than one creature, one opponent finds it more difficult to resist. You dazzle creatures when you affect them with a spell that has the fire, light, or electricity descriptor.

bouncing spell ranged touch

You can make your spells last twice as long. You can increase the range of your spells. You can increase the power of your spells, causing them to deal more damage. You can manipulate the elemental nature of your spells. Your spells breach the gulf between dimensions, sending ghostly emanations into the ether. You have learned how to release most, but not all, of a spell's potential when you cast it. Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting. You cause creatures to be disoriented when you affect them with a spell that has the sonic descriptor. You cause creatures to take extra damage when you affect them with a spell that has the acid or fire descriptor. You've trained to cast spells underwater.

Bouncing spell ranged touch